Are you wearing a Scapular?

Did you know that wearing the Brown Scapular is a sign of consecration to Mary's Immaculate Heart? If Catholics knew this, they would realize how Mary looks at those that wear it. This small woolen cloth needs to be worn by EVERY Catholic to show Our Lady that we have heard her message. If you notice how the Scapular falls on our neck, part of it is close to our heart, which is where Mary wants to be. She wants to soften our hearts, so that she can enter.
I have heard that the Newchurch (the Novus Ordo church) will not allow the correct wording to be printed on the Scapulars anymore. Instead of the words of Our Lady, "Whosoever dies wearing this scapular shall not suffer eternal fire," it must read, according to them, "Whosoever dies wearing this Scapular shall be saved." How presumptious of these people to change the words of Our Lady, as if she didn't know what She was saying to us that someone would have to alter her words to fit their uncomfortableness with the word HELL!!! Our Lord used lots of words pertaining to Hell in the Bible.
It is not just wearing the Scapular that we must do in order to gain the promises. We must pray the Holy Rosary every day, make the first Saturdays (which should be a holy day of obligation for ALL Catholics) including going to mass ,confession and meditating on the 15 mysteries of the rosary for 15 minutes.
The excerpt of the day follows.
Satan was sending legions of devils to tempt Our Lady while she was on earth. (The Incarnation, Book I< Chapter XXVII #353) Nevertheless, the demons stubbornly persisted and proceeded with the seventh temptation, which was that of idleness. They sought to cause in Her a corporeal indisposition, or a feeling of weakness and fatigue, accompanied by dejection of spirit. This is a trick of satan little known and under its cover the sin of laziness causesmuch ruin among sould and prevents much progress in virtue. They suggested moreover that She postpone some exercises on account of weariness in order to be abe to perform them so much the better after rested. This too is one among many other tricks of satan, as we do not often discover it or know what to do against it. They also sought maliciously to hinder the most holy Lady in some exercises by means of human creatures, whom they sent to visit her at unseasonable times, trying to impede the performance of some of her holy exercises and occupations at the time and hour set for them. But all these delusions were detected by the most prudent and alert Princess. She evaded them by her wise precautions, without permitting the enemy to succeed in any of them and acting in all things up to the standard of the most exquisite perfection. Her enemies were obliged to desist, hopelessly foiled and repulsed. Lucifer was full of rage against his companions and against himself. But in their fury and insane pride, they resolved to make one more general assult upon Mary, as I will relate in the following chapter.

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