Feast of Our Lady of Fatima

Today, as you may know is the feast of the apparation of Our Lady of Fatima. With this in mind,
I have noticed that people are dismissing Our Lady's message as already being fulfilled. I look around me, and I see war, famine, pestilence, natural disasters and disease; BUT WORSE THAN THIS, I see the LOSS OF THE FAITH.
Sister Lucia, who just left this mortal life not two months ago, once said in the 1970's that there was "diabolical disorientation." The Vatican forbade her from ever uttering those words again. She died a silenced witness to Our Lady.
I understand that Jacinta, her cousin, before she died of the flu epidemic a couple of years after the visions, told her cousin, Lucia, "When the time comes to speak, SPEAK." She, instead, was obedient to the Vatican, and sadly, 45 years after the secret was to be revealed, we have heard nothing but half truths and COMPLETE LIES from the Vatican.
We do not really understand the persecution that Sister Lucia really underwent, and perhaps after we end our journey in this life, we will understand what she went through. The silence of Sister Lucy was FAR from golden. If Our Lady of the Rosary's request was not done, that "wars, and rumors of wars" would happen and "persecutions in the Church" and that if Russia was not Consecrated that "many nations would be annihalated."
Tonight, instead of reflecting on the Mystical City, I want each of you to pray an extra decade at least, of the Holy Rosary, and beg Our Lady to ask her dear Son to inspire the Pope to consecrate Russia before diasaster really happens on a grand scale, and to save the souls of the misled from damnation by bringing them to the knowledge of the Truth.
We have already seen anhiliation,: September 11 in America, the Tsunami in Asia, and AIDS from SIN in Africa and America. These are all punishments allowed by God; a gentle nudge for the human race to wake up, and fly from sin.
When will we learn, people of the earth? When will we learn to submit ourselves to the Divine Will, and let go of our insipid pride, and apprieciate God Almighty for what he freely has given to us, which is a chance at everlasting happiness with Him in heaven?

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